Learn To Play

Polo caters for players of all ages and standards. Riding experience is helpful but not necessary. You can get involved in the following activities, or simply come and watch a game:

  • Polo Tournaments at various levels for competent players
  • Club Chukkas for casual players and beginners
  • Polo Clinics and Schools to learn and improve

To get involved
To get involved in polo, contact NSW Polo office at nsw@australianpolo.com.au
or one of the organisations listed below to attend a polo school or clinic. If you do not have your own horse you can rent one. To take part in club chukkas and tournaments you should then join a polo club.

To join a polo club - click on the club list here.

Polo schools are held throughout NSW during the year. If you look at the calendar section of the website, you will see where the schools are held throughout the year.

Scone Polo Club Junior Polo School
Usually held in October school holidays. For further information contact Alex Warner on alex.warner@morgans.com.au

Southern NSW Junior Polo School
Various Southern clubs hold polo schools throughout the year. Keep an eye on the website as Forbes and Garangula hold schools around Easter and mid-year.

Please note: Polo is a contact sport. It can be dangerous and there is an inherent risk.