NSW POLO 2011 Player Registration - NOW OPEN! & Other News

Welcome, NSW Polo Registration for 2011 is NOW OPEN!

If you are Renewing & don't know your Username and Password just email me: nsw@australianpolo.com.au

To Login & Renew your Membership with your username and password visit this page: https://www.clubsonline.com.au/registrationclubportal/index.cfm?fuseaction=display_login&OrgID=3970

Please read carefully:

1. It is your responsibility to be registered BEFORE you take to the field for practices & tournaments. Zero Tolerance on this. Tell your friends, fellow club members, grooms, employees, patrons who may not be on email, the importance of registration.

2. By registering you are agreeing to all APC Rules and Policies, eg Handicap, Discipline, Anti-Doping and more. Read them here.

3. Received this email more than once? You may be the contact email for the player named. Please help them register.

4. 2011 Registration expires 31st December 2011. This year Australia moves to Calendar Year registration for all states..

5. Juniors: You're a junior if you were you under 19 on 1st Jan 2011.

6. Want to change club? Please email me prior to registering & I will change it.

7. Any problems or queries with registration, please email me.

Thank you for registering.

There will be NSWPA coaching with Andrew Williams in the Hawkesbury mid-week on 15 & 16 Feb for Beginners to 2 goal and 23 & 24 Feb for players of 0 goal & over. Click here for details. Please register your interest with Andrew, tallabung@gmail.com. Coaching in other areas commences in line with the tournament season.

There will be coaching with Gavin Chaplin at Riverlands in February and March. Please contact Adam Meally, adam@riverlandspolo.com for further details.

To attend the coaching, you should be registered with NSWPA, at a minimum as a Coaching Participant ($15).

We regret to inform you that JLT are no longer offering voluntary Personal Accident Insurance. The reason is that only 22 players out of 700+ Australia wide took up the policy making it unviable. The APC are looking at alternatives including a $50 compulsory premium for minimum coverage that players can then choose to upgrade. We would welcome any feedback and thoughts on this from you.

Suzie Ruse
Secretary, NSW Polo Association
Ph: 02 9388 9593
Fax: 02 9388 9793
Address: PO Box 957, Bondi Junction NSW 1355
Email: nsw@australianpolo.com.au
Website: www.australianpolo.com.au

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