Please note applications should be submitted by Friday 19th June for this position. Thank you.

Position Available

AS part of NSWPA’s commitment to improve the quality of NSW players and increase participation in this great sport, the NSWPA has created the position of a NSW State Professional.

The successful applicant will be supported and endorsed by NSWPA in his or her capacity as a coach/professional as he makes himself available to the general polo population for individual and group coaching at the expense of individuals on a fee for service basis.

The successful applicant will be able to demonstrate very good coaching and communication skills, a thorough knowledge of the sport and a genuine interest in improving players‘ skills for the betterment of NSW polo.

The person will also be responsible for designing and running a series of coaching clinics throughout NSW polo clubs. He will also assist clubs that already run successful clinics.

These clinics will be tailored and targeted at players with handicaps from 0 to 2 goals. Remuneration and expenses for such clinics will be met by NSWPA and paid on a daily basis, the figure to be negotiated between NSWPA (from its budget) and the successful applicant.

NSWPA encourages all interested parties to make their applications in writing either by mail or Email to Director of Player development Adam Buchert at the NSWPA. If there are any queries or questions in relation to this position please contact Adam Buchert on adambuchertpolo@optusnet.com.au or 0408 078 313.

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