From the retiring President NSW Polo Association, Graham McGregor

Annual Report 2010

This year we lost the grand statesman of Australian Polo, James Ashton. Men such as James come along rarely and I would not be alone in saying that during his lifetime and since his death, when seeking to determine which direction to take on an issue I have found myself asking how James would have dealt with such a matter.

James Ashton’s qualities were recognised internationally. Whether we be players or administrators, his example is worthy of reflection and inspiration.

This has been a very busy year for NSW Polo.
Our secretary Suzie Ruse has compiled the tournament figures for the year which reflect that 54 tournaments have taken place.

This year 664 teams have taken part in 54 tournaments, making an average of 12 teams per tournament.
When it is noted that some tournaments are spread across more than one weekend it is obvious that polo is often played in different zones on the same weekend.

The Countess of Dudley Cup Tournament fielded 26 teams in May and at the Hector King 27 teams in October.

Overall Participation - Benchmark
This year 387 players have been registered in NSW compared with 371 last year and over 60 interstate players have taken part in NSW tournaments.

In terms of participation in NSW we should be encouraged that we are on the up.

Easter Test match - 28th March
This nail biter between Australia and New Zealand was played at Windsor on a perfect day in front of a massive crowd. New Zealand clinched it 9 goals to 8 from a penalty in extra time.
Following tradition the colts match show cased many of our up and coming players at a standard which revealed a vast improvement in our colts.

Following the test a Zambian team provided added colour to the day in a match to reciprocate the visit by an Australian team to Zambia in 2009.


Action plans
We represent a huge diversity of interests and clubs, each with a unique set of drivers. There are those with irrigated fields and many match days; those with a dry land field or fields holding one or two tournament weekends. There are players with trucks, where it suits to travel, players without. Patrons’ clubs, members’ clubs, amateur players, professional players etc, etc.!

Inevitably there are shoals to navigate and we need to minimise debate on immediate problems at our board meetings.

In such a diverse board as ours a Business Plan can result in Paralysis by Analysis unless the vision is supported by clear performance based action plans. These too can be overly sophisticated and time wasting.

This year I have introduced a simple tool to assist us to identify direction and measure performance. Each portfolio holder has prepared an action plan which was broken into tasks with time lines against each and circulated for other board members to provide input. The whole thing is in dot point format.

Although not fully implemented in 2010 I hope this legacy will eliminate much of the hyperbole!


Player Development and coaching - Lachlan Graham
This provides another vital benchmark of performance by this association.

This year Lachlan Graham has taken on this portfolio from Adam Buchert with a tightly administered budget of $7500 with the coaching panel continuing.

In 2009 applications were called for the position of Association Coach/Professional. From the applicants Andrew Williams was duly appointed, supported by Robert Ballard and Adam Meally. The coaching panel continued through into 2010.

I include some excerpts from Lachlan’s report.
Notable projects through the year have included:
• The successful introduction of U17 polo to the Hawkesbury inspired by Adam Buchert. They practiced most weekends during the autumn season culminating with a demonstration at the Dudley Cup.
• Gundalong Autumn clinic with Andrew Williams coaching 15 polocrosse players and beginners.
Jemalong autumn clinic with Andrew Williams coaching 12.
North Star spring clinic with Andrew Williams coaching 11.
• Quirindi Spring clinic with Andrew- washed out.
• Gundalong spring clinic with Andrew Williams - 14 present.
• Hawkesbury area –various clinics with Andrew.
• Flow through in the spring to participation at Goulburn, Gundalong and the Hawkesbury on owned or leased horses.
• Many tournaments including the Dudley Cup included a ‘newbies’ league and players have improved to compete in a D Grade and carry a -2 handicap.
• A full page advert in “Horse” magazine with enquiries still flowing through.

A few highlights from Lachlan’s report include
 Feedback on Andrew’s coaching and the opportunities given have been very positive.
 The number of “Newbies “who are continuing with the sport eg Gundalong players membership has grown from 7 to 20.

Some of Lachlan’s points to consider Establish Development squad
 Single day insurance option for clinics is a plus
 Suggestion of a Link on the website dedicated to old, quiet , retiring polo ponies.

The huge amount of energy contributed by Lachlan and Andrew is evident and I trust they are both deriving satisfaction from the results which are evident to us all.
We should also acknowledge the work of Rob Ballard and Adam Meally who contribute so much to the coaching of players.

The Scone Junior Polo School has taken on a perpetual life of its own, having run now for well over a decade. In September over 60 youngsters benefited from the coaching of Australia’s top three players, namely (in alphabetical order) Rob Archibald, Ruki Baillieu and Glen Gilmore.

Senior Vice President, Rules and Discipline - Ian McDuie
This is perhaps the most difficult portfolio and where I cut my teeth before passing it on to Ian. I would ask all players to consider the consequence of their actions both before committing an offence and during proceedings as an unfair burden is placed upon disciplinary committees in terms of their time and energy. These people are drawn from our peers in a voluntary capacity.

Umpire accreditation-Ian McDuie
This is desperately needed and we look forward to the imminent policy adoption from the APC

Treasurer and risk management - Sam Ballas

Governance - Leon Reardon
Leon has retired from the NSW board and as President Australian Polo Council after six years in that position. During that time he introduced the handicap and discipline policy, was instrumental in the APC gaining recognition from the Australian Sports Commission and the introduction of a board charter and code of conduct.

Insurance - Marlene MacFarlane
After pioneering the early work on this important matter she undertook this task for many years, Marlene stepped once again into the breach for this year. It really is retirement this time for her!

On line Registration,Website and communications - Eugene Marais
The system is now being used successfully for all NSWPA club and individual player registrations with all “hold harmless” documentation in electronic form. A few clubs have chosen to collect the club portion of subscriptions manually in order to save the 6% admin fee. Importantly, we now have a more accurate database of email addresses, which has improved our ability to communicate with the player base.

We still have a problem with unregistered players being allowed by some clubs to enter tournaments, often from interstate. This takes a lot of Suzie’s time – identifying and following up. The problem should be resolved when all states are on “Clubsonline”.

Website upgrade. This project has commenced with a $4000 approved budget. Initial progress has been slow – trying to find a suitable design service. We aim to have the new site up and running by the start of the 2011 season.
The preparation of the new 2011 NSWPA Season Guide is underway, working with Rural Press - as for the 2010 edition. We are aiming to distribute the finished product at the end of January.

Marketing - Peter Higgins
Peter’s plan is comprehensive with implementation designed for 2011.

Calendar - David Marshall
David has been assiduous with this portfolio and the necessary negotiations through complex clashes.

Handicaps and Show polo- Joe Curran
Joe is one of the busiest on our board dealing with things efficiently and with minimal fuss.

Tournaments and Women’s polo- Adam Meally
Women’s polo
Between 4th and 7th November International teams from Australia, UK, Europe and New Zealand contested the Ladies Tournament. In addition there were over 20 women competing in other divisions at that tournament
Results from this newly created portfolio are evident.

Business plan, calendar and tournaments - Nigel Russell
We thank Nigel who is retiring from the board due to work pressures.

(‘Affordable Polo’ an unofficial sub- committee has comprised Wallace Ashton and Marlene MacFarlane.)

In particular I want to thank our Treasurer Sam Ballas and Senior Vice President, Ian McDuie for their support and wisdom in dealing with some contentious issues. Ian has been on the board for 17 years now and I doubt that anyone has a more comprehensive overview of contemporary Polo in this State than Ian.

Leon Reardon as President of APC has also provided invaluable advice as we have drifted into areas needing counsel of a statutory nature.

Socrates once said, “It is the sign of an educated mind to be able to entertain an idea without accepting it”. I have also learnt that a friend is not worth having if that person is not a “critical friend” when we need it. Our Second Vice President Wallace Ashton has certainly fulfilled that role and although we have had our differences these have related to issues and not personalities.

I would like to express my personal appreciation to those who have served on the board this year and have taken responsibility for their individual portfolios. Thank you for your energy and commitment.


I reiterate my comments from the last meeting. There is no room for flagrant breaches of safety and it is my personal view that anyone caught should be rubbed out of the sport.


Since I came back on the board I have been anxious for generational change; in spite of advancing years some of us took on these positions as pressures of work and family made it difficult for the younger members to join this board.

I am therefore delighted to see such capable members taking on the challenge for 2011 the crop of applicants to fill the available positions for 2011.

The challenge has been brightened by the almost daily conversations with our efficient Secretary Suzie Ruse who throws a ray of sunshine upon proceedings, for the sake of Polo let's hope this continues for many years.

Thank you for entrusting me with the role, I have enjoyed the three years immensely and learnt a few things on the way through.

We are in the capable, experienced hands of Ian McDuie as President. I wish Ian, the board, all members of our Polo community a safe, happy Christmas and a successful 2011 Season.

Graham McGregor

Congratulations & Welcome to our new Board Members who were elected at the AGM. The NSWPA Board of Directors comprises:

Ian McDuie - President
Eugene Marais - First Vice President (Website & Communications)
Joe Curran - Second Vice President (Discipline)
Sam Ballas - Treasurer

Life Directors
Sinclair Hill
David Macintyre

Elected Directors
Wallace Ashton (Calendar, Tournaments & Player Registration)
Beau Blundell (Player Development & Coaching, north)
Richard Doolin (Calendar, Umpire Accreditation & Risk Management)
Jim Gilmore (Handicaps & International)
Lachie Graham (Player Development & Coaching, south)
Jenny Herz (Governance & Business Plan)
Peter Higgins (Sponsorship)
Adam Meally (Player Development & Coaching, Hawkesbury; Women's Polo)
Julie McIntosh (Marketing & Branding)
Richard Rodgers (Insurance)
James Simson (Tournament & Player Registration)

The Handicap Committee for 2011:
Andrew Williams - Chairman
James Archibald
Adam Buchert
Angus Campbell
Robert Doolin
Jim Gilmore
Adam Meally
All Life, Kyeemagh, Club representatives and Playing members are warmly invited to the NSW Polo Association AGM on Friday 5th November.

Each club is entitled to send one voting delegate or give a proxy to another delegate to vote on their club's behalf. All other members are welcome to attend and participate.

· Friday 5th November
· Starting at 10am followed by sandwich lunch
· Ken Brown Rooms, (carpark level) Sports House, 6A Figtree Drive, Sydney Olympic Park.
· Parking is available: turn left down the driveway beside the building, take a ticket at the boom gate & get it stamped before you leave.

I look forward to seeing you there.

Kind regards

Suzie Ruse
Secretary, NSW Polo Association
Tel: 02 9388 9593
Fax: 02 9388 9793
Address: PO Box 957, Bondi Junction NSW 1355
Mobile: 0424 243 369

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