NSWPA in association with the APF have endorsed a new umpire training program to be actioned in the 2022 upcoming polo season.
This is a sport development initiative designed to help develop professional umpires within Australia while at the same time up-skilling members of all levels and improving the standard of umpiring throughout Australia.
The following document explains the initiative in more detail and how it will work in the initial stages - UMPIRE TRAINING DOCUMENT
As part of the New South Wales Polo Development programme, you have been provided initial access to the e-learning platform.
To access the platform, please use the following steps:
1. Visit https://nswpolo.polo-development.com/login
2. At the bottom of the log-in window, press "Sign Up"
3. Fill out the form with your e-mail to register.
You will be sent an e-mail to authenticate your account. Please click the activation link to verify your e-mail and you will be redirected to the e-learning platform. If you cannot see the verification email please check in your junk/spam folder.
If you have trouble logging in or do not have access to any content on the site, please contact us at support@polo-development.com
From there you will be able to register for the umpire training online courses and view the interactive learning material.
For any more information on this initiative or how it will work please feel free to reach out to a member of the Australian Professional Umpires (APU) committee.
APU Committee members: Dirk Gould, Glen Gilmore, Ruki Baillieu, Sam Hopkinson, Damien Johnson.
Please take the time to login and register for the initial webinar, the more people that can get involved the sooner we will see much needed improvements in our game.
Many thanks
Polo Development Support
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