Notes from EFA Meeting re. Equine Flu, 12.9.07

Peter Haydon & Adam Meally attended a Horse Industry Forum, on behalf of the NSW Polo community, on Wednesday 12 September hosted by the Equestrian Federation of Australia NSW.

Peter has provided the following report of the meeting:

Equine Influenza
EFA Meeting, RAS, 12 September, 2007 10am-1.00pm

Please see below a summary of the many issues discussed at this three hour meeting today;

• This is a Major Crisis- with huge ramifications for the whole horse industry. It is changing on a day to day basis.

• The DPI is still pursuing a policy of containment to avoid going down the vaccination route, which would require a minimum of 85% of the total horse population to be vaccinated to be successful. It takes 6 to 8 weeks after vaccination before protection is achieved.

Lifting the total shutdown is unlikely while the DPI feel they are controlling it or perhaps monitoring it would be a better description.

• However, they were urged to “free up horse movements” within certain regions. Using the example of Randwick racecourse, which has been treated as a restricted zone, the concept could be expanded to larger areas like Scone, the Hawkesbury Basin, etc which could then have horse movements within these boundaries.

• Getting the virus gives the horse a “natural immunity” which should last for approx. 18 months and is the best type of future immunity it can get.

• A lot of criticism of the communication from the authorities about the virus.

• However, they estimate that 75% of owners only own one horse which makes communication and any future vaccination programme very difficult.

• There were many calls for a National Horse Register.

• Overseas experience shows that each horse requires a passports which must be signed by a vet when vaccinated and are then necessary to attend any horse gatherings.

• Many called for vaccination and passports but it was explained it would be a real burden on the industry.

• The best type of vaccination is the “live” one which authorities would be reluctant to bring into Australia so a “killed” version would be more likely.

• A lot about the Federal Gov Industry Assistance Package of $110m which will require amendments to the fine print and eligibility criteria.

• Huge potential for litigation and compensation claims.

• Miscellaneous points:
- A lot of horses still coughing after 10 days, but meant to peak around day 6
- Over 200 cases of police stopping illegal horse movements
- Most events have been cancelled for this year
- Is the cost of containment more then the benefits derived from it?
- Easily spread by humans, wind, birds, flies, etc.
- DNA testing for registrations?
- The rule of only lifting containment after 30 days from the last horse being infected would require a lot more investigation

Email sent to NSWPA Club Presidents, Secretaries & Club Captains.

Suzie Ruse
Secretary, NSW Polo Association &
Australian Polo Council
Ph: 02 9388 9593
Fax: 02 9388 9793
Address: PO Box 957, Bondi Junction NSW 1355

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