EI UPDATE - Travelling Horse Statement & Event Registration Details

Below please find an EI update from the DPI

IMPORTANT: FROM MONDAY 14th JANUARY, any horse movement within the Purple Zone requires a Travelling Horse Statement (THS) AND all events require REGISTRATION with the DPI.

It is the Tournament Organiser's responsibility to register their event and follow DPI procedures. Full details below.

Equine influenza – daily update from NSW DPI, 11 January 2008

Questions, feedback or suggestions for this update, email industry.sdchq@dpi.nsw.gov.au

If you are involved in an organisation with ties to the horse community and would like some information to help advise your members or customers, please contact community education at the State Disease Control Centre on commed.sdchq@dpi.nsw.gov.au.


As of today the number of infected properties has dropped to 248, down from a peak of 5895 infected properties. It is now 37 days since the estimated date of last EI infection in NSW (While two positive tests were found just before Christmas, antibody levels in both placed the infection date early in December.)


Reporting sick horses is vital

Encouraging as the situation is, we have to prove to ourselves, and the rest of Australia, that there is little or no active EI infection in NSW. If there are pockets of infection that have not been reported or identified, we need to know now. So please let us know if any of the following apply to you:

- You think your horse may be infected with EI.

- Your horses were previously infected with EI, but you don’t think it was reported at the time.

- You are aware of an unreported EI infection in someone else’s horses that may have not been reported.

Just call the EI Hotline on 1800 675 888.

Requirements in the Purple Zone

NSW DPI is looking to resolve Purple Zone to an improved status over the next few months. One of the major key issues involved in doing this is having the ability to trace horse movements, and get accurate information on the number and type of movements that are being made.

This is the reason behind the introduction of a couple of new requirements for the Purple zone. These requirements will come into force Monday 14 January.

The requirements:

- Any movement will require a Travelling Horse Statement (THS)

- All events must be registered with NSW DPI.

- Any new infections must be quarantined

THS information and application: http://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/agriculture/livestock/horse/influenza/movements/permits/travelling-horse-statement-purple

Event information and registration: href="http://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/agriculture/livestock/horse/influenza/movements/permits/horse-events">http://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/agriculture/livestock/horse/influenza/movements/permits/horse-events

(Use the Green zone form, there is an option of this form to select either Green or Purple)

Last chance for free vaccination in the Purple Zone

The free vaccination program in the Purple Zone has only three weeks to run. We are approaching our target levels of 80% immunity levels (vaccinated or recovered) in many areas in the Purple Zone, so this part of the program is being wound up. After this time, only special cases, and within areas surrounding new infections and horses requiring second round injections will receive free vaccinations.

It is expected that most events in coming months will require horses to be certified as either vaccinated or recovered from EI. The safest course if you want to attend an event, and are not sure if your horses have been infected, is to have the horses vaccinated. If you are not in the Purple Zone, or you miss out on the free vaccination program, you need to contact your private vet, who will apply to the NSW DPI for vaccination on your behalf.

If your horse has completed a vaccination program with the proteqFlu vaccine, or you know it has recovered from EI, you may need contact your vet to arrange a Horse Health Certificate to demonstrate the immunity of your horse.

Progression of Red Zones.

There has been no active infection in many of the Red Zones for some time, so we are hoping to improve the status of these zones, and their surrounding buffers, in the near future. The conditions that will allow a Red Zone to be improved to Amber status are:

- All infected properties have been cleared of infected status (resolved).

- All suspect properties have been cleared by testing or vaccination.

- Targeted surveillance testing that shows that the area is free of EI.

Assuming that there are no fresh infections, and surveillance test results are as expected, the majority of the Red Zones could be rezoned as Amber before the end of January. Again assuming everything goes to plan, these zones could be rezoned Green a month to six weeks later.

Vaccination of horses outside the purple zone

The form you need to apply for vaccination is at:


The application for vaccination is made through your vet. We strongly suggest that you discuss with your vet what the costs of vaccination will be, before you formally apply for vaccination. You will be required to pay for the vaccine, a microchip, a visit fee and the costs of writing a Horse Health Certificate. Some vets have been charging $300 for the first vaccination and $150 for the second.

If you don’t want to compete in or travel to the current purple zone, you do not need to vaccinate.

Statistics today

248 Infected Properties; 65 Suspect Properties; 6622 Resolved cases; 399 Events registered; 35004 Travelling Horse Statements issued.


There have been no adjustments to the restriction zones today

For the most up to date details on current restriction zone boundaries see: http://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/agriculture/livestock/horse/influenza/movements/zoning.



11th January 2008

The following information is from staff at the DPI who answered questions by conference call at a Board Meeting on the 11th January 2008.

DPI: Cathie Drury-Klein, Barry Kane

Q1: What are rules for horses from Green Zone traveling into Purple Zone?
A: The current policy is only approved vaccinated horses may go into the Purple Zone. To move out they must be vaccinated and must go through 14 days of quarantine plus testing, then another Green approved quarantine centre for 7 days. We are allowing private properties to become quarantine areas, eg Ellerston. Near Richmond Pip Guthrie’s place at Yarramundi may become one.

Q2. Currently there are free vaccinations for those in the Purple Zone until 3rd February 2008. What happens after this date?
A: After 3rd February horses can still be vaccinated if they are a special case. This will last for an extra month approx. We hope people have been coming to clinics and encourage anyone who has not so far to contact the DPI to get the free vaccination.

Q3: What is the vaccination program for hoses that have had the disease?
A: It is not necessary for horses that have had to EI to be vaccinated. If a horse has had EI & must travel outside of the Purple Zone, owners must get their horses blood tested to prove immunity and micro-chipped then get a horse health certificate.

Q4: Are events/polo tournaments to be registered & how is that done?
A: YES, all events must be registered online, listing the organizer details, venue, approx number of horses. The Event Organiser will also need to register the Travelling Horse Statement (THS) of every horse attending & fax this back to the DPI.
NOTE: for NSW POLO, this will be the responsibility of each Club/Tournament Organiser.
Event information and registration: http://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/agriculture/livestock/horse/influenza/movements/permits/horse-events

Q5: Can horses move from Purple to Green Zone? (which will affect Country Classic Series)
A: Yes, but must have a Horse Health Certificate. It must go through quarantine.

Q6: From 14th January any horse moving within the Purple Zone requires a Travelling Horse Statement (THS). How long is this likely to continue for?
A: We hope just until June, but cannot say for definite. THS information and application: http://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/agriculture/livestock/horse/influenza/movements/permits/travelling-horse-statement-purple

Q7. What about Amber Zone – around Southern Highlands?
A: It is hoped by early March these will be reclassified to the Green Zone.

Within the Green Zone, horses can move freely. DPI is hoping by April to increase the Green Zone, whilst shrinking the Purple Zone. Their focus is still on stamping out the disease, balancing industry/leisure horses. There has not been a new case reported since early December in NSW.

Q8: Currently in the Green Zone you can only get a vaccine if your horses are going to a specific event. When will this be relaxed?
A: The DPI has released the vaccine to many people. Professional polo players have qualified for this.

Q9: What restrictions are there for horses traveling from the Red Zone to Purple?
A: Quarantine & vaccination is necessary as they move through the Green Zone – 3 days on QLD border. No more quarantine is necessary when they arrive in Sydney.

Q10. How do Interstate Horses from Green Zone, eg SA & VIC move to Purple?
Have to come into NSW to be vaccinated and go into quarantine within the Green Zone before they enter any other zone.


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