Benchmark Committee

The Benchmark Committee is appointed by the APC. Its purpose is to make recommendations to the APC in the setting of players' handicaps.
It is currently comprised of 9 representatives; one from each State Association plus two members appointed by the APC Delegates, plus 2 alternative APC Delegates. The APC President sits as Chairman but is non-voting.

For more information on the APC Benchmark Committee, please see the APC Handicap Policy.


The 2009 APC Benchmark Players are:

7 goals: Glen Gilmore

6 goals: Damien Johnston

5 goals: Guillermo Li

4 goals: Mark Field, Tex Webster, Richard Rawlings, Andrew Williams

3 goals: Brodie Donovan, Lance Shepherd, Stirling McGregor

2 goals: Sam Baillieu, David Marshall, Derek Gilmore, Jock Maclachlan

1 goal: Peter Prendiville, Trent Walkdon, Lachlan Graham, David Bettington

0 goals: Sam Kennedy, Kym Warren, Jeff Barnard, Spencer Young, Hugh Parry-Okedon

Mr Leon Reardon
Tel: 02 9904 0550
Fax: 02 9904 0502
Mobile: 0413 442255
Email: leon@sagecapital.com.au

APC Representative
Mr Stirling McGregor
Tel: 03 9691 5408
Mobile: 0411 192 215
Email: smcgregor@firststirling.com

APC Representative - alt
Mr Glen Gilmore
Tel: 02 6540 7185
Fax: 02 6540 7185
Mobile: 0412 120852
Email: gkgilmore@optusnet.com.au

QLD Representative
Mr Steve Barnard
Tel: 07 5541 4919
Mobile: 0408 120 853
Email: thebarnards1@bigpond.com

NSW Representative
Mr Joe Curran
Tel: 02 6344 2082
Fax: 02 6344 2083
Mobile: 0411 858 585
Email: joecurran@bigpond.com

SA Representative
Mr Jock Maclachlan
Tel: 08 8223 1516
Fax: 08 8223 7418
Mobile: 0419 869 683
Email: jock@jumbuckpastoral.com

Victoria Representative
Mr Andrew Hine
Tel: 0419 398 838
Email: ahine@polofix.com

WA Representative
Mr Tex Webster
Tel: 0419 702 187
Fax: 08 9379 8868
Email: glindon.webster@bigpond.com

APC Representative
Mr Damien Johnston
Tel: 0418 551237
Email: dj_steph@bigpond.net.au

APC Representative - alt
Mr James Archibald
Tel: 02 6545 8137
Fax: 02 6545 8116
Email: jamessallyarchibald@bigpond.com

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