In a fast paced polo match India emerged winners of the International Indiabulls Polo test match. Australia started with a 1/2 goal handicap and started off with the 1st goal of the match. At the end of the 1st chukkar Australia was ahead of India. However, India equalised in the 2nd chukkar and went ahead of Australia. India kept increasing their lead and won the game with a score of 8 to 4-1/2 goals.

Scorers for India: Vishal Chauhan (2), Tarun Sirohi (2), Samir Suhag (2), Vishal Singh (2)

Scorers for Australia: Callum MaClachlan (3), Gillon McLachlan (1)

The evening started off with a India Bulls helicopter flying over the polo ground and showering rose petals. This was followed by a fashion show by Delna Poonawalla who featured riding inspired outfits, sarees and evening dresses on the catwalk. Strutting her creations were some of the top models along with some polo players and riders. The polo match was followed by a trick riding display from the Cavalry. The evening was capped off with a party on the ground with good food, drinks, live music and a great crowd.


The Australian team selected is: Dick Doolin 4, Gillon McLachlan 4, Callum McLachlan 2, Stirling McGregor 3 = 13 goals. We wish them good luck.

Nominations are invited for players to represent Australia in a Test Match against India on Saturday 15th March 2008 in Mumbai India. The Australian team invited is requested to be between 14 & 16 goals. The tour will be from about 10th March through until the 17th March 2008. The Australian Polo Council is attempting to raise sponsorship for the air fares and the Indian Polo Association will accommodate the Australian Team during this period.

Nominations should be made to Suzie Ruse at the Australian Polo Council by Friday 15th February 2008.
Phone: (02) 9388 9593
Fax: (02) 9388 9793

Any inquiries about the tour can be made to the Australian Polo Council President Leon Reardon on 0413 552 255.

Selectors will announce the team before 23rd February 2008.

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