Call for Nominations: NSW v Victoria, 14 goal, 12 & 13 March 2011, Yaloak, Victoria

We regret that due to other polo on in NSW at this time and insufficient nominations, this game will be postponed until Spring 2011.


10 Feb 2011:
Your chance to represent NSW
NSW v Victoria, 14 goal
12 & 13 March 2011, Yaloak, Victoria

NSW Polo Association is calling for nominations from players of handicap 2 goals & above to form a 14 goal team to play Victoria at the VPA Championships weekend on 12 & 13 March. Victoria is able to provide horses for 2 players, however enough horses need to be transported to mount the other two players. Self mounted players will get games on both Saturday & Sunday. Those mounted by Victoria may only get the one game on Sunday. Team shirts & bags provided; NSWPA will cover travelling expenses for each player subject to receipts being produced for airfares or fuel etc, to a maximum of $500 per player. Team to be selected by NSWPA Handicap Committee.

If you wish to nominate, please email Suzie at by Monday 14 February. Please state if you are able to transport horses & how many.

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