The Winten Cup Windsor Polo Club - Results

Results Winten Cup

13 November, 2022

14 teams contested 3 grades in 4 chukka polo. Winners were:

The Subzero Grade saw Killarney beat The Royal, Richmond Hotel

In 0 Goal Division Los Lobos  defeated TRFD Polo

In the subsidiary–final of the A Division Winten Cup Envirogenic beat Arunga

Envirogenic-A.L. Dowling, A.F. Bridson, J.M. Varker-Miles and A.B. Aguerre

In the Final of the 4 goal A Grade Winten Cup AZ polo beat Kurri Burri

AZ Polo- A.A. Zak, J.H.F. Parry-Okeden, S.D. Booth and D.I. Gould

Champion Pony was awarded to S.C. M. Hopkinson with ‘Nipper’ a 7 year old Ellerston bred gelding

The Winten Cup at Windsor Polo Club on the 10th, 12th & 13th November


Tto see the Draw  - CLICK HERE

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