Gunnedah Polo Season

The Gunnedah Polo Club kicked off the season with a Coaching Clinic on the 11th & 12th August. A huge thank you to Jim McGinley who came down to run the clinic. Up to 16 players attended with every one having a great time and learning heaps. Thank you to Earl Herbert who also helped out. Gunnedah's annual Tournament will be held on 1st & 2nd September, we invite all Clubs and players to nominate. We hope to have about 8 teams competing in 2 grades. A grade will be 5 chukkas and B grade will consist of 4 chukka games. Please contact Club President, Ben Osborne on 0267670200 or 0427434542 for further enquiries.
With recent rains the fields look great. A BBQ lunch and bar will be available on both days. All players and friends are invited to a Dinner Party on Saturday night to be held at the Court House Hotel. We look forward to seeing you there.

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