Notice of AGM 2023

Dear NSW Polo Association Players, Directors, Handicappers, Club Office Bearers, Life & Kyeemagh members,

The NSW Polo Association warmly invites you to this year’s Annual General Meeting.

Date - Wednesday 8 November 2023
Time - 11:00am
Venue - Arunga Polo Club 
42 Triangle Lane, Richmond NSW 2753

Please click on each of the links below:

Notice of AGM Agenda
A Director Nomination Form
A President Nomination Form
A Proxy Form
The NSW Constitution
The Audited Accounts
The 2022 AGM Minutes 

Each club is entitled to send one voting delegate or give a proxy to another delegate to vote on their club's behalf. All other members are welcome to attend. Directors may not vote.

Voting at the AGM: Only Club Delegates or a Proxy can vote. A Club Delegate/Proxy form is attached in case this applies to you / your club.

NSWPA Directors & President Nominations:  Nominations may be received for the position of Director and President and Nomination Forms must be returned to the office 14 days prior to the meeting, ie by COB Thursday 25 October.

NSWPA call for nominations for position of President & elected Directors.

The following are due to retire and can renominate:

Hawkesbury Basin Zone - Rowena Rainger
Southern Zone - Sebastian Mariani, Marie-Louise Easton 
Northern Zone - Simon Doolin

Peter White will retire as President and may renominate.

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