Industry and Investment NSW safety alert on Hendra

The NSW Department of Industry and Investment (Primary Industries) believes that it is important for people who come in contact with horses to be aware of the potential risks posed to them by Hendra virus. This will enable them to assess the risk that contact with horses poses to them, in their own situation.

The document found at
provides a number of links to information on Hendra virus, that will help horse owners to make that risk assessment, and protect themselves as necessary. Industry & Investment NSW strongly recommends that you distribute this information to any horse owners, or people that may come in contact with horses, that are members of your organisation.


Therese Wright | Policy Officer Animal Biosecurity | Biosecurity | Primary Industries
Industry & Investment NSW |161 Kite Street | Orange NSW 2800| Locked Bag 21 | Orange NSW 2800
T: 02 6391 3351| F: 02 6361 9976 | E:
W: |

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