The Australian Polo Council agreed at their AGM in November 2009 to adopt the HPA field rules effective 1st January 2010. The APC rules are currently being updated and will be available shortly. In the meantime, the HPA field rules should be used as a guide (attached).

The Rules

Main changes between APC and HPA.

APC Rule 4: Ponies, Pony equipment and Pony Welfare.
HPA Rule 4c:
Welfare Officer. Every club must appoint a Welfare Officer to be responsible for all aspects of pony welfare particularly in the pony lines. The umpires have the main responsibility for pony welfare on the field of play.

APC Rule 19, Wrong line up.
HPA rule 19b
have added Offside rule. A player is offside if he enters on the side of the opposing team at a throw in, hit in or penalty, ie. behind the ball. He may not make a play until he is behind a player of his own team. Should he do so a penalty 5a is to be awarded.

APC Rule 26: Play stopped / not stopped
HPA Rule 26a:
Advantage Rule. The umpires may choose to allow play to continue if a player is fouled but it would disadvantage him or his team were play stopped. However, if during the subsequent phase of play the player fouled is unable to maintain the advantage then play should be stopped and the penalty awarded. The advantage rule should not be invoked for a dangerous foul.

APC Rule 33. Precedence of Players.
HPA Rule 33p.
Stopping or slowing down on the ball – one tap rule. The player with the ball who chooses to stop or slow down to walking speed when he is being challenged but is neither being obstructed nor ridden off may then tap the ball only once in any direction , after which he must immediately leave it , accelerate with it or hit it away. Should he leave it for another member of his team to take that player whether challenged or not, must immediately run with it or hit it away without the option of a tap. The opponent is considered to be challenging if he is within one horses length on either the off side or the nearside of the player with the ball. The penalty for a breach of this rule shall normally be penalty 7 (Throw in ) .

APC Rule 35 j The J Rule !!!
HPA Rule 35g A player may not……. Use his pony to spoil the stroke by riding over the ball and into an opponent who is already started the downward swing of a full forehand or backhand stroke. Note: this does not prevent a player from riding over the ball on a legitimate ride off when an opponent is tapping the ball or has not started the downward swing.

APC Rule 39: Taking of Penalties.
HPA Rule 40 Penalties - Specific. a. Penalty 1 - Penalty Goal
If, in the opinion of the umpire, a player commits a dangerous or deliberate foul in the vicinity
of goal in order to save a goal, the team fouled shall be awarded one goal. The game
shall be restarted by the umpire throwing in from the spot ten yards from the centre of the goal
of the team that fouled towards the boards, with his right side nearest to the backline. Ends
shall not be changed.
b. Penalty 2 - Hit from the Spot or 30 Yard Hit
As a first step on awarding the penalty, the umpires will give a choice to the captain of the
team fouled of:
- Either: ‘Spot’, a free hit or hits from the spot where the foul occurred.
- Or: ‘30’, one hit only from the 30 yard line, opposite the centre of the goal.
(i) Hit from the Spot – Spot Hit - Defended.- The striker may hit or tap the ball more than once (but see Rule 33p). The remainder
of his team must be behind the ball when it is hit or hit at.
- The team facing the hit must be behind their back line and at least 30 yards from the
ball until it is hit or hit at. They may not stand between the goal posts nor behind
the goal, and they may not enter the playing area through the goal when the ball is
brought into play nor subsequently during this phase of play.
(ii) 30 Yard Hit - Undefended.- The striker may hit or hit at the ball only once. The rest of his team must be behind
the ball when it is hit or hit at and have no play.
- The team facing the hit have no play. They must be behind their back line, may not
stand between the goal posts nor behind the goal, and must allow the ball to come
to a rest.
- Should the ball on the one hit fail to cross the goal or back line then the team facing
the hit will be awarded a hit from where the ball came to rest, as for a Penalty 5a.
The ball may be moved outwards towards the boards or sideline should a goal
post interfere with the player taking the hit.
If any member of the team facing the hit is seen to be fouling during the taking of the hit
the umpire should wait to see if a goal is scored and, if so, a goal shall be awarded,
the goal judge should wave his flag and play restarted as normal with a throw in from
the centre or as allowed for in Rule 20c(ii). If a goal was not scored then the penalty should
be retaken.
c. Penalty 3 - 40 Yard Hit - Defended
The ball is placed on a cross 40 yards out from the centre of the goal. The option of a hit from
the spot is not offered.
(i) The striker must have the intent to score with one hit. The rest of his team must be
behind the ball when it is hit or hit at.
(ii) The team facing the hit must be behind their back line until the ball is hit or hit at
following which point they may make a play. They may not stand between the goal
posts nor behind the goal, and they may not enter the playing area through the goal
when the ball is brought into play nor subsequently during this phase of play. If any
member of the team facing the hit is seen to be fouling during the taking of the hit, the
umpire will raise an arm and wait to see if a goal is scored.
- If the one hit has or would have gone through the goal if it had not been stopped or deflected by a stick or a pony, a goal shall be awarded, the goal judge should wave his flag, and play restarted as normal with a throw in from the centre or as
allowed for in Rule 20c(ii).
- If the penalty shot has missed or would have missed the goal or was stopped legitimately by a player but another player on his team fouled, the whistle shall be blown and the penalty retaken.
d. Penalty 4 - 60 Yard Hit - Defended
The ball is placed on a spot on the 60 yard line opposite the centre of the goal.
(i) The striker must have the intent to score with one hit. The team taking the hit may place
themselves where they choose.
(ii) The team facing the hit must be behind the 30 yard line and may only make a play once
the ball has been hit or hit at.
e. Penalty 5(a) - Hit from the Spot
A free hit at the ball from the spot where the foul took place, but at least four yards from the boards or side lines. A Penalty 5a will not be awarded against a defending team within their
own 60 yard line but rather a Penalty 2, 3 or 4 as appropriate.
(i) The team taking the penalty may place themselves where they choose.
(ii) The defending team must be at least 30 yards from the ball, and not behind it.
f. Penalty 5(b) - Hit from the Centre
A free hit at the ball from the centre of the ground.
(i) The team taking the penalty may place themselves where they choose.
(ii) The defending team must be at least 30 yards from the ball, and not behind it.
g. Penalty 6 - Safety 60 - Defended
Awarded when a player hits the ball over his own back line (See Rule 25a) or for unnecessary
delay by a team hitting in (Rule 24e). The ball is placed on the 60 yard line opposite where
the ball crossed the back line but no more than 40 yards out from the centre of the goal.
(i) The striker must have the intent to score with one hit. The team taking the hit may place
themselves where they choose.
(ii) The team facing the hit must be behind the 30 yard line and may only make a play once
the ball has been hit or hit at.
h. Penalty 7 - Throw In
A throw in, in accordance with Rule 21 from the spot where the foul occurred.
j. Penalty 10 - Player Sent Off
(i) Penalty 10(a)
A player sent off for a full chukka or the rest of the chukka in progress in addition to
any other penalty.
(ii) Penalty 10(b)
A player sent off for the rest of the match, in addition to any other penalty. (See also Regulation 4.3a(i))
The umpires must agree that a player should be sent off. If not in agreement, the referee must be asked to decide. The side to which the sent off player belonged shall continue with three
players only and any player sent off must return to the pony lines. Umpires should make it clear to the player(s) penalised and to the captains of the teams which penalty has been given.
Note: In all cases in which a Penalty 10a or b is awarded a Report Form must be completed by the umpires.

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