RESULTS: The Countess of Dudley Cup, 100th Anniversary, 20, 22 & 23 May 2010

The Centenary of the Countess of Dudley Cup was a fantastic success. Over the course of three days, 26 teams came together from near and far to compete and celebrate this milestone in the history of Australian Polo. It was wonderful to see such overwhelming talent on the field coupled with a high sense of spirit and enthusiasm off the field.

There was a wonderful dinner and party on Saturday night at the clubhouse, and on Sunday there was even a special ‘Cake Bake’ Competition to celebrate the 100 Birthday of the Dudley Cup! Well done to everyone to joined in the spirit and shared their cooking talents with the polo community! Long live this new tradition!

The tournament was played in overcast conditions but rain held off. with six teams in 12 goal A Grade, eight in 4-6 goal B Grade requiring 2 divisions, four in 1-2 goal C Grade and eight teams competing in the 0 goal D Grade.


Dudley Cup Division (A Grade):
In Countess of Dudley Cup final for the State Championship Ellerston Black beat Goulburn 8 - 7.
Ellerston Black: J.J. White, N.W. Craig, M.P. Grimes and J.R.M. McHardy
Goulburn: C.B.Aguirre, S.T. Walker, A.M. Williams and A.D.J. Campbell

In the subsidiary-final of the Dudley Cup for L.T. Watson Cup Windsor A defeated Sydney 11 - 2
Windsor A: D.W. Rothwell, H.L. McGregor, A.F. Tolhurst and M.J. Field

In the Dudley Cup consolation match for Sir J.J. Garvan Cup Millamolong beat Scone 9 - 7.
Millamolong: W.M. Ashton, G.C. Kirkpatrick, C.S. Wilson and R.J. Bruce.

Pony judge ex-5 goaler Rob Bell praised the standard of ponies played in the tournament.
Lady de Chair Trophy for Champion Pony was won by M.P. Grimes with Nivina', a 5 year old chestnut mare.

R.W. Farrell Trophy for champion novice pony was won by E.J. Archibald with Beckham.

Winning the Vychan Trophy for Best team of 3 ponies played by a player rated 2 goals or less was N.W. Craig of Ellerston Black with Busy, Fontaine and Elegance.

The Curtis Skene Trophy for Most Improved NSW Player judged for period Dudley Cup to Dudley Cup was awarded to 18 year old C.B. Aguirre who plays at Goulburn and Timor clubs.

Results of finals in the other grades:

B Grade Final Division 1: Strathalbyn beat Sydney White by 6 - 3.
B Grade Final Division 2: Gundalong A defeated Goulburn B by 5 goals to 4.
C Grade Final: Riverlands A beat Killarney by 5.5 - 3.
D Grade Final Division 1: Windsor C beat Windsor B by 6-5.
D Grade Final Division 2: Town & Country C beat Sydney C comfortably 10 - 1.

Please find the Draw for Sunday - finals day.
Dear Polo Players & friends,

Please find attached the 100th Anniversary Programme & Draw for The Countess of Dudley Cup.

The programme highlights:

· The Teams

· The Draw

· The History of The Dudley Cup

· Information from the NSW Player Development crew

· The Saturday Night Festivities

· The Inaugural Cake Bake Off

(note there are 8 pages)

The Draw:
There are 85 players and 26 teams with 15 players doubling. Please can you therefore adhere to the following in order to keep play on time and the tournament running smoothly for everyone’s enjoyment.

· The 5 minute bells will ring prior to each game

· Games will commence at the time indicated in the draw regardless

· Players who can’t make their duties for any reason, need to find a replacement & notify the field manager.

Matches on Saturday will be held at: Kurrajong, Killarney, Muddy Flats and the Windsor # 2. Players doubling need to organise their ponies in advance so they can arrive & play. We have endeavoured to organise the draw in such away to allow players time to do this, provided games stay on time. Please can all umpires and centre table people, ensure games commence and run to the programme timetable.

Mike Fitzgerald will be collecting chukka fees through the weekend. Food and beverages will be available at the Club House.

Play safely and enjoy your weekend,

The NSW Polo Association


To: Representatives from all players in Dudley Cup A Grade teams

Millamolong: Ray Bruce, Wal Ashton, Guy Kirk, Craig Wilson
Windsor: David Rothwell, Adam Tolhurst, Hamish McGregor, Charlie Field
Sydney: Peter Higgins, Rob Ballard, Will Gilmore, Gus Aguirre
Goulburn: Cole Aguirre, Simon Walker, Andrew Williams, Angus Campbell
Scone: Alec White, Sam Gunn, Ed Archibald, Anto White
Ellerston: Jasper White, Jarad McHardy, Matt Grimes, Neil Craig

Cc: NSWPA Directors
Cc: Damien Johnston

This weekend marks the 100th anniversary of the Dudley Cup. The NSWPA have decided to have an independent person seed the teams for the 12 goal division of the Dudley Cup.

A representative from each of the 6 teams was asked if they were happy for Damien Johnston to seed the teams; and each team representative indicated they were.

Following is the seeding from Damien Johnston:
1. Ellerston
2. Millamolong
3. Goulburn
4. Windsor
5. Sydney
6. Scone

Following are the games for Thursday 20th May , at Sydney Polo Club:
Ellerston vs Scone
Millamolong vs Sydney
Goulburn vs Windsor

The times and duties for the above games are attached & will be posted on the NSWPA website.

The NSWPA are thrilled that 26 teams have nominated for the Dudley Cup weekend and we are looking forward to the polo community coming together for a memorable and exciting weekend.

The Tournament Committee
To all Clubs and Players,

Please forward team nominations for the 2010 Countess of Dudley Cup to Adam Tolhurst or sms 0409288287. Please don’t send them to me as I will be overseas.

Teams must be nominated under club names.

NSWPA Ground Fee Subsidy for Country Players
The NSWPA will reimburse NSW country players who compete in the Dudley Cup 2010 with $150 ground fee subsidy. The definition of a NSW country player is as follows: A country player is a player who has resided for at least 75% of the preceding 12 months in rural NSW, at least 100 km from Windsor Polo Club. The NSWPA reserves its absolute discretion as to who qualifies for any ground fee subsidy. The subsidy may be claimed up to 30th June 2010. Eligible Country players playing in more than one division may only apply for one subsidy.

Procedure for receiving the subsidy
Players pay Windsor Polo Club $25 per chukka
Players complete the claim form confirming they fulfil the definition of a ‘country player’ – as above, and return it to the NSWPA
Following the tournament, the NSWPA will send a cheque for $150 to each eligible player
The subsidy will operate across all grades.
The subsidy may be claimed up to 30th June 2010.

To All Players & Clubs:We repeat the contents of the email from 15th April. Due to possible confusion we are amending the date of registration from Monday 19th April to Tuesday 4th May. Rule 1b. This is of particular relevance for those registering with a second club. We list again the full rules.

Countess of Dudley Cup 20, 22 & 23 May 2010 at Windsor Polo Club.

Rules of Tournament as adopted at NSWPA Board Meeting, 14 August 2009, also contained in President’s Annual Report November 2009 and emailed to all Players & posted on NSW Polo website on 3rd February 2010.


2010 version, agreed at Board Meeting held 14th August 2009)

Purpose of Tournament: New South Wales Polo Association Club Championships

The spirit of the Dudley Cup is that it is a tournament for genuine club teams. Players may not borrow players from other clubs or invite players from interstate or overseas for the sole purpose of winning the Dudley Cup. It is not the intention of the Association to accept made up or stacked teams.

Team Goal Limit
The Dudley Cup teams should have a maximum goal rating of 12 goals and all Clubs are invited to enter a team. From the teams entered a selection will be made based on goal ratings and which may be restricted to 8 teams. Played on handicap.

Player Goal Limit

Team & Player Eligibility
1) Club teams from registered NSW Polo Clubs
1a) A player must have played for the Club at THREE tournaments during the previous twelve months (ie since the 2009 Dudley Cup).
1b) A player must have been registered with the NSWPA by the Club for a period of at least four weeks prior to the tournament’s nomination closing date. (Note reduced to two weeks and one day for 2010, ie 4th May)
2) Registered Club teams from other Australian States must qualify under their base State’s registration and handicapping rules and must also be approved by the NSWPA.

Exemptions will only be given to a genuine club member who has not played enough games due to;
i) injury
ii) not having played polo in Australia (ie a genuine club member who has been overseas or who is having a short season).
iii) being a new player to the game of polo

Qualifying tournaments
i) A tournament must be listed on a State Polo Calendar or must be a tournament sanctioned by the NSWPA.
ii) Each of the three tournaments must be played at different clubs, ie three weekends at one club only equals one tournament
iii) NSWPA tournaments and tournaments held by Clubs, other than their annual tournaments will count provided the team play as a genuine club team with the other three players being registered members of the Club.
iv) If a team is entered in a tournament and that tournament is cancelled, it will count as a tournament

To be decided by the Tournament Committee

No restrictions on the number or ownership. Ponies played by a competing team will not be allowed to play for any other team during the tournament except with the permission of the Tournament Committee.

Annual decision by the NSWPA

Countess of Dudley Cup Teams
Countess of Dudley Cup Winners of Tournament
L.T. Watson Memorial Trophy Played between Losers of Semi-Finals
Sir J.J. Garvan Cup Played between first day losers

Lady de Chair Trophy Champion Pony
R.W. Farrell Trophy Champion Novice Pony
(A novice pony is a pony playing its first season of tournament polo, excluding inter-club tournaments. The season being 1st October to 30th September)

Vychan Trophy: Team of three ponies owned and played by a player rated two or less.

Curtis Skene Trophy: Most improved player (no limit on handicap of player) based on performance during the period Dudley Cup to Dudley Cup.

Steps necessary to register with a second club must be completed by Monday 19th April (Note amended to Tuesday 4th May for 2010)

To register with a 2nd club you need to create a new account for yourself
1. Logon to ClubsOnline:
2. Select New Registration
3. Select Club & choose 'Full member with another club' or 'Junior member with another club'
4. Follow through entering your details, payment by credit card if necessary etc.
5. Any queries, please contact Suzie.

Nominations closing date
Closing date for nominations is Monday 17 May. Therefore all players in club teams seeking to participate in the Dudley Cup must have been registered by that Club by Monday 19 April.

The matter of a subsidy for genuine country clubs will be resolved at the NSWPA Board Meeting on 7th May 2010.

The above relates to teams competing for Countess of Dudley Cup (Watson Trophy and Garvan Cup).
Other divisions to be contested on weekend of 22 & 23 May will be advised nearer the date and exclusions relating to “doubling” will be announced by the organizing Club.

Suzie Ruse
Secretary, NSW Polo Association

Tel: 02 9388 9593
Fax: 02 9388 9793
Address: PO Box 957, Bondi Junction NSW 1355
Mobile: 0424 243 369

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