Results: Sydney Polo Club 6, 2 & 0 goal tournament: 24 & 25 April 2010

A Grade won by Windsor A 7 1/2 defeated Sydney/Westside 7.
Windsor A: Amanda Tolhurst, Mark Tolhurst, Adam Tolhurst, David Rothwell.
Sydney/Westside: Rebecca Higgins, Angus Karroll, Will Gilmore, Brodie Donovan
A Grade Pony Prize: Amanda Tolhurst's 'Silver'
A Grade Groom Prize: Krystal Kerry.

B Grade won by Riverlands A 8 defeated Town & Country B 6 1/2.
Riverlands A: Josh Anneur, Shane Fagan, Adam Meally, John Francis.
Town & Country B: Sarah Martin, Shane McLaughlin, Ed Matthies, Lisa Fahey.
B Grade Pony Prize: Ed Matthis 'Miss Piglet'
B Grade Groom Prize: Katie Edmeades

C Grade won by Odyssey 6 defeated Windsor B 1 1/2.
Odyssey: Jason Varker Miles, Ferdinand Furch, Daniel Altiok Brown, Dick Doolin
Windsor B: Rob Tressider, Chris Bray, Tim Darby, Graham McGregor.
C Grade Pony Prize: Dick Doolin's 'Lilly'
C Grade Groom Prize: Victoria Doolin

Losers games on the Sunday cancelled due to rain.


Dear Players

Please find below the draw for Sunday 25th April 2010

Supremo Field

Losses Games

10am: Round Robbin
Sydney A vs Town and Country
Sydney A vs Travmedia
Town and Country vs Travmedia

Umpires: H. McGregor and D. Kerr
Time: M. McFarlen
Goals: G. McCall and P. Manka

11.30: Round Robbin
Killarney vs Keltic
Killarney vs Altios
Altios vs Keltic

Umpires: B. Fahey and N. Wayland
Time: H. Kerr
Goals: M. Leacy and J. Bayard

Sydney B vs Riverlands B

Umpires: D. Doolin and C. Bray
Time: F. Furch
Goals: D. Brown and J. Varker Miles

Celebrity Field=20

C Grade Finals

Windsor B vs Oddesey

Umpires: B. Donovan and A. Meally
Time: G. Higgins and P. Degreef
Goals: V. Lewis and H. Kelly

B Grade Final

Riverlands A vs Town and Country B

Umpires: W. Gilmore and A. Tolhurst
Time: D. Rothwell and M. Tolhurst
Goals: A. Carrol and A. Tolhurst

A Grade Final

Sydney/Westside vs Windsor A

Umpires: K. Johnson and E. Matthies
Time: L. Fahey and R. Ballard
Goals: J. Anneur and S. Fagan

Dear Players,

It is with great pleasure that the Sydney Polo Club calls for team nominations for the 6 goal, 2 goal and 0 goal polo tournaments for the weekend of the 24th and 25th April, 2010.

All games will be played at the Sydney Polo Club.
6 Goal will be played over 5 chukkas on Saturday and Sunday.
2 Goal and 0 Goal will be played over 4 chukkas on Saturday and Sunday.

Refreshments will be available from the grandstand over the course of the two days.

Please join us on the Saturday night in the Barn Lounge for drinks and a casual al fresco dinner. An invitation with further details will follow.

The chukka fees will be $30.00 per chukka (incl GST) per player for the 6, 2 and 0 goal.

It is the team Captain's responsibility to ensure that ALL duties are completed where nominated. Point penalties apply for failure to complete allocated duties.

Nominations close on Wednesday 21st April at 5.00pm for all grades.
Please email nominations to

Please Note:
Nominations will only be accepted with payment of fees.
Fees are to be paid per team by credit card direct to the office.
No split fees will be accepted. Payment must be made by one team member only.

Credit card payments direct to the office on (02) 4588 5000

For all accommodation enquiries please call Rebecca Williams on
0406 483 707

Villas are available at $520 for a 3 night stay.

Yards or paddocks are available for hire. Please contact Brodie Donovan on 0410 314 765

We look forward to seeing at the Sydney Polo Club.


Before being permitted to take the field all players must:

Be a current financial member of their respective State Association.
Be financial. No team with a player who has outstanding chukka
fees owing to Sydney Polo Club will be permitted to nominate in a tournament.
No fees will be accepted on day of tournament.
All dogs must be restrained by a leash at all times.



In a effort to stream line our administration we have put in place new procedures for tournament chukka fees.

New procedure as follows,

1. Chukka fee payment for all Sydney Polo Tournaments must accompany nomination forms. 2. Credit card payment only. 3. Payments will be processed on the Monday after the tournament in case of wet weather. 4. One payment per team, no spilt accounts. with exception to individual nominations. 5. Teams that have not paid prior will not be allowed to take to the field. 6. Any player with outstanding chukka fees will not be permitted to play.

To save any confusion for next weekend our staff will be contacting any players with outstanding accounts this week.

We would like to thank you in advance for your co-operation in helping to implement these changes.


Rebecca Higgins

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