Article: Critique on current high goal polo

Javier Tanoira (6 or 7 goal son of former 10 goaler Gonzalo, who also was president of Argentine Polo Association at the time of his death) has in recent months spent a considerable amount of time in reviewing past and current trends in the high goal polo around the world but mainly concerning those in Argentina and has privately published a pamphlet setting out his opinions and conclusions.

Javier is not enamoured with the current high goal professional polo dominated by a selfish style of 'possession theory' polo, and milking of fouls. Some of these trends are brought about in his opinion by the sheer ability of the current crop of high goal youngsters whose dribbling ability at pace far exceeds that of earlier generation high goalers when 10 goal handicaps were reached at later ages, and the influence of patron polo with teams comprising players of greatly varying handicaps.

A highly condensed version appears in the Winter October 2009 issue of Hurlingham magazine published by the Hurlingham Polo Association. The pamphlet is 48 A-4 pages in length, is well researched and considered and his thoughts are put succinctly. There is an index on the last page.

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