Results: SYDNEY POLO COUNTRY CLUB, 24 & 25 October 2009

The results are as follows:
10 goal winners, Sydney 13 to 9 over Marshall
10 goal Subsidiary Town & Country A 6 over Westside 5
4 goal div; 1: Sydney B 8 over Town & Country B 5
4 goal div; 2: Phatt Cow won the round robin both days
0 goal winners: Pol Painters 7 over Bromelton House 6.

Dear Players,

It is with great pleasure that the Sydney Polo Country Club calls for team nominations for the 10 goal, 4 goal and 0 goal polo tournaments for the weekend of the 24th and 25th October, 2009.

All games will be played at the Sydney Polo Country Club.

10 Goal will be played over 6 chukkas, with the first round being played on Thursday 22nd October. 4 Goal and 0 Goal will be played over 4 chukkas on Saturday and Sunday. All players from the 4 and 0 goal and their family and friends are welcome to join us on the Thursday to enjoy the the first round of the 10 goal.

The barn lounge will be open over the tournament for refreshments. Please join us on the Saturday night for drinks and a casual BBQ.

The chukka fees will be $30.00 per chukka (incl GST) per player for the 10 4 and 0 goal.

It is the team Captain's responsibility to ensure that ALL duties are completed where nominated. Point penalties apply for failure to complete allocated duties.

Nominations close on Tuesday 20th October at 5.00pm for all grades.

Please email nominations to

Please Note:
Nominations will only be accepted with payment of fees.
Fees are to be paid per team by means of the following:

Cheque payable to Sydney Polo Country Club
EFTPOS details supplied on nomination form or phone the office on (02)45885000
Direct Deposit BSB 112-879 Account No 057267540

For all other enquiries please call Rebecca Higgins on 0412 855 685. Yards or paddocks are available for hire. 1 villa is available over this weekend and next. The cost is $420 for 3 nights.

We look forward to seeing at the Sydney Polo Country Club


Greg Ballard
Club Captain


Before being permitted to take the field all players must:

Be a current financial member of their respective State

Be financial. No team with a player who has outstanding chukka
fees owing to Sydney Polo Country Club will be permitted
to nominate in a tournament.
No fees will be accepted on day of tournament.


10, 4 & 0 Goal Tournament
22nd, 24th and 25th October 2009

TEAM PATRON: __________________________________________

ADDRESS: __________________________________________

EMAIL: __________________________________________

CONTACT NO.S: __________________________________________


TEAM NAME : __________________________________________


Position 1: ______________________ __________

2: ______________________ __________

3: ______________________ __________

4: ______________________ __________

TOTAL __________


NAME ON CARD: ___________________________________________

CARD NO. _____________________________

Expiry date ___/___

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