Attention all players

Joe Curran has sent a letter to the NSWPA requesting nominations from those interested in playing in the Royal Show polo matches.
Attached (above) is the nomination form.

TO: NSW Polo Association

3rd March 2009

Dear Player


The Sydney Show Polo has been a feature on the Australian Polo Calendar for many years. The event remains the highest in relation to spectators who watch the polo, and the RAS is now consciously looking to build on the opportunity.

After the success of last years “State of Origin Show Polo Series”, the RAS is once again looking for polo to play a major part in the arena entertainment at this year’s Royal Easter Show.

Details State of Origin Show Polo Series

Competing Teams: To be badged as Victoria, New South Wales, South Australia and Queensland
Format: Two round games for each team
Two top teams on point’s progress to final. Two bottom teams on points progress to the runners up final.
State of Origin teams fully responsible for mounting the visiting team in test match v Australia
Thursday 9th April 5.00 - 6.00pm - Match 1
Friday 10th April 5.00 - 6.00pm - Match 2
Saturday 11th April 4.40pm - 5.40pm - International Match
Monday 13th April 5.00pm - 6.00pm - Match 3
Tuesday 14th April 4.35pm - 5.35pm - Match 4
Wednesday 15th April 5.00pm - 6.00pm - Match 5
Thursday 16th April 6.20pm - 7.20pm - Match 6
Friday 17th April 6.20pm - 7.20pm - Match 7
Saturday 18th April 6.20pm - 7.20pm – State of Origin Final

Handicap: The Show Series will cater for teams around the 10-12 goal aggregate
Team Structure: 3 aside. A minimum of 2 players are to be from the State that they are representing. A minimum handicap of 2 goals per player is required. No players under 2 goals will be accepted into the competition.

In the current environment it might be necessary to mix the teams so as to minimise the commitment of a player for one or two nights and to give exposure to more players . The organisers reserve the right to waive the State representation structure should this be necessary
Modified Rules: The games will be 4 chukkas with modified ‘Show Polo” rules.
Player Fee’s: Players will be paid $100 per their handicap rating for each game they play. Eg A 4 goal player would be paid $400 per game.
Sponsor Rights: The Management reserves the rights to sell the team shirts to a sponsor, and all teams will play under the sponsors brand for their state.
Tournament Management Rights: The Tournament Management reserves all rights in relation to the scheduling of matches during the Tournament and acceptance of players and teams

The RAS is implementing initiatives which are being put in place – light shows, big screen replays, audio visual packages, electronic player biographies and scoreboards, sponsored teams and an interactive commentary show – all elements making for an exciting spectator sport.

I look forward to receiving any indication of interest to participate,either as a team or as individuals. Meanwhile please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Joe Curran
New South Wales Polo Association

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