HENDRA VIRUS: Letter from Garangula plus Fact Sheet & Horse Event Organisers Guidelines

Dear Clubs & Players

Garangula Polo Club sends the below letter re. their Spring 2011 Tournament:

To all competing teams at the Garangula Tournament:

Due to the continuing outbreak of the Hendra Virus we think it prudent to ask all horses that are travelling to Garangula from all states, to have Vet health checks, with a Certificate not older than a week before arriving here; just to ensure there is no danger of an infected horse arriving at Garangula.

We realise that this is an imposition not usually required, but feel that to ensure the bio-security of our horses it is only prudent to make this request.

With thanks for your co-operation.

Simon Keyte
Polo Manager


13 July 2011

Please find a Fact Sheet and Guidelines for those organising tournaments/practiceds attached.

The NSW DPI website is kept up-to-date: www.dpi.nsw.gov.au

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