The APC Benchmark Committee met on Wednesday 29th August and drew up the following list of benchmark players for 2008:

7 goals: Simon Keyte, Glen Gilmore

6 goals: Andrew Hine, Damien Johnston

5 goals: Greg Keyte

4 goals: Mark Field, Tex Webster, Richard Rawlings, Jock Mackay

3 goals: Shane Martin, Brodie Donovan, Simon Hill, Lance Shepherd

2 goals: David Marshall, Peter Haydon, Jeff Fisher, Derek Gilmore, Jock Maclachlan, Sam Baillieu

1 goal: Nick Simpson, Greg Woods, Peter Higgins, Peter Prendiville, Tim Clarke

0 goals: Malcolm Pursehouse, Graham McGregor, Peter Grimes, Melinda McGinley, Jeff Barnard, Jason Stowe, Kym Warren, Sam Kennedy.

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