Please read the letter of invitation from Wal Ashton inviting players & grooms to join in the Millamolong Tournament this year.

Millamolong Tournament… Will Ashton Memorial

The Millamolong Polo this year will be for 2 Goal Players and Lower so as not to compete with the Bentley Cup.

For those interested it will start on Wednesday 12th November and played over 4 days as a league.
There will also be a 2 day weekend competition for those not able to participate midweek. This also will be aimed at the 2 goal players and less.

Wallace Ashton invites players and grooms to join him at the Shearers Quarters over the week and will take people on rides over this spectacular grazing station when polo is not on.

A charge of $100 per person for shower and breakfast for the week and rooms with mattresses but no linen or blankets will have a base cost of $200 and $50 for each additional person to pay James for the clean up and general costs.

Horse accommodation can be arranged and Debbie may be able to assist with feeding and exercising of horses if you have to get away for a short time.

Quality accommodation is available in the homestead and if the demand requires the Farm House will be opened.

In some cases I will assist with the mounting of players who pass the Gabriel riding test.

This is presented as celebration of polo for the lesser players of our polo community.

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