The Scone Polo Club are hosting their Spring Carnival Annual Tournament on Sepetmber 27 & 28. They will be providing polo for all standards of players.

They invite you to nominate for its annual carnival either as a team or as an individual. Go to Scone and play on irrigated fields and compete for the many trophies. Please see the Nomination Form attached above.

If you are entering an A grade team (10-14 goals) please email the Secretary as soon as possible

Please return the attached Nomination Form by Monday 15 September.

SCONE JUNIOR POLO SCHOOL will be running over 3 days during the school holidays from Wednesday 1st, Thursday 2nd and Friday 3rd October, 2008 which is a school designed for younger players.

The weekend before the school is the annual Scone Tournament on Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th September, 2008.
The weekend after the school is the Wootton Cup on Saturday 4th & Sunday 5th October, 2008.
Please see attached above the Nomination Form & return it to them by 20 September 2008.

After this will be the Scone Spring Low Goal Tournament

If you are interested in playing in the Scone Spring Low Goal Tournament, this will be held in October over two weekends.

18-19 October & 25-26 October 2008

The Ellerston low goal run over the two weekends of their High Goal has been transferred to Scone this year. Please see the Nomination Form attached above. Please return it by Monday 6 October, 2008

For more information please visit their web site:

Scone Polo Club are looking forward to seeing you at their Spring Carnival.

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