BRYCE DICKS - Funeral Details

It is with deep regret that I inform all in the polo world of the sudden and unexpected death of Bryce Dicks. He passed away on 3rd January.

For those wanting to send a card to Michelle and Todd you can send them to:

P O Box 172,
Victoria. 3446

Funeral Details

The funeral for Bryce Dicks will be held at 'Mingela' , Eyles Lane,
Drummond (off the Daylesford-Marmsbury Rd) on Friday the 11th of January 2008.


>From Melbourne take the Calder Highway towards Bendigo and at Malmsbury
turn right into Daylesford-Malmsbury Rd. About 7 kms on the right is Eyles Lane. Turn at the white horse truck then the first right into 'Mingela'.

>From The Westsern Highway go to Daylesford then take the Castlemaine
turnoff and then in 300m take the Malmsbury turnoff. About 17ks from Daylesford turn left into Eyles Lane. There will be a white horse truck on the corner.

There will also be a burial at Gilgandra on Monday the 14th January if anyone is unable to attend at 'Mingela' but wish to say goodbye to Bryce.

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